Archive for Theology

905 上的 Shuffle Loop。。。


Customer services, it is very important.

Currently I felt upset about many customer services from different aspect of life, I felt that they are so below standard.

I was ordereding a Raspiberry Pi camera modules from element14, and the experience was bad, I promise myself NOT to order from them anymore.

I tried to use my previous account to login to their site with no luck (which I am so sure the login and password is correct), tried to reset password, no luck, trying to contact them by every means but result in being kick towards different department like a ball; live chat, emails, made a phone call to their CS line, the female (I do not want to use the word lady) offer no help, and not only no help is given, the tone and wording she uses was rather negative and uncomfortable to hear, I created another account try to order, and wasted 2 working day to receive a email from them saying I have to provide them a business register to make an order, a few email thru and they gave me no explanation nor help on the order.

I was upset about their service, told them to cancel my order and remove my account, and they replied something like email their another department if they can do so…

What I did was emailing them back the privacy ordinance of Hong Kong to make them remove my account.

Wasted me 2 working days on an order, another 3 to remove my personal info just because they refuse to help.

Not that related by I think that goes to the same story, I went to family dinner with family tonight, we ordered a dish which was suppose to serve with red vinegar, we asked the staff nicely can we please have that, her response was so bad and negative, which she claims she don’t know what was that, and no one told her that blah blah blah and so on, we ask another “seems higher rank” staff to help, and she order that female to bring it in, on the way of serve she keeps on nagging all the way say she don’t know things about it….

It happens quite a few times recently in my daily life.

My personal view are:

1. Customer support are bad now in Hong Kong.

2. When dealing with a customer, do not say you don’t know something, you were suppose to know; if you don’t, ask someone who does! no one cares what are your internal policy or company structure, we paid for the service, not doing your job.

3. It is hard to attract customer to your retail, it is such a great lost if a customer is buying your goods/service and the front-end blow it off, it is even worst than not having a customer came in.

4. Good CS needs training, staff do not come into the position and ready to rock and roll, and bad CS hurt your business, fired them as you should.

5. As a front-end staff, please try your nagging BEHIND customers, it won’t help what have been done, and it won’t help what you need to do, and it gets worst.

RIP for those who lost their lives in the accident…


I just get back to Hong Kong and I heard this horrible news, RIP for those who lost their lives in the ferry accident…..

5 things you should do when you want some computer help.

1. Get needed information ready, please get what is needed ready, you do that when you go to bank, you do that when you want something done, you do that when you seek any help, you should learn this since primary schools; no one would stand/stay next to you/over the line while you take your 15 mins to find what is your domain, or what is your login.

2. Listen first, do not jump into it when someone is trying to help, example: I used to do it NOT the way you told me, I used to do it by XYZ, you are trying to get help, not arguing what you used to do, and no one cares how you did it at your own way, if it works, you wouldn’t be seeking for help.

3. Think before asking, please use your own brain, eyes before ask, chimpanzee learn from using their brain, you should too, when instructions were told, try follow, if you do not see the option on the screen, try read carefully, use CTRL+F on a page or do a simple thinking.

4. Response with correct information, answer honest, with basic intelligent, instead of simple “I don’t know/I don’t see that/what should I do”, computers don’t read your mind, neither does the person who is trying to help you, incorrect/lack of/misleading information given will not help anything.

5. Search before you ask, please search help before you ask, answer are out there, please use search engine, type what you ask for and read, most problem shall be solve before you even finish explaining your question.

Very upset about things…

Recently, I am very upset about life, work, personal.

1. Phone was stolen by some a**hole, I have been clubbing with mates for more than 10+ years, I have never got my properties stolen, and especially not by someone on the same table, the whole pub was empty other than our table, that a**hole, friend of a friend said he would want to go first for another disco and few mins later I found that my phone missing, Google Latitude point my phone to where he was heading and STOPs where he was! me and mateB rush there on a cab, ask him to give me back my phone, then he started to change his face, swear to me all the way saying: “Do you have that tapped on a F**king video? you cannot prove is me! I am gonna smash you for that…” wasted almost an hour with policemen, long story short, well of coz, no luck…
Read more

RIP for those ones lost their life in Christchurch quake.

May those ones who lost their life rest in peace, and those ones who was injured get well soon…..

God defend New Zealand.



A bit of advise, to another web developer/designer

Last Sunday, me and R went to Lamma Island for a nice weekend holiday..

While I am on the way to the pier, I was trying to get the timetable of the ferry from Central to Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island, after a quick Google search I got some link and the official website of the ferry company….

Most of the links from the results return a 404 error and seems the official site has changed their site layout.. (I find that they changed the layout on Dec 2009, they mention it on their page)

So I go to the official site then….

Instead of a simple welcome page all I got was a big Flash missing icon shown on the Webkit base browser, there is no skip nor other ways of getting into their page….(There is a Skip button, but the button is INSIDE the Flash, well..)

For all Flash content developer out there:
At least add a text hyperlink on your site for user to skip the “So very nice animation(s)” you made, you just cannot expect everyone to go thru your Flash movie before getting to the content!

And the other thing is: As an official website, redirect your old pages is always a good idea, at least a better 404 page redirecting users to main page instead of ugly default Apache error page, please you get paid for your work, don’t be so lazy!

P.S: Oh yes, please DO NOT make everything a PDF, you can add a link for user who wants to download it, but NOT the only way to get the info, why 56KB of PDF instead of 2K HTML?

Just my 2 cents!

– HKKF official site
– HKKF official site – Main page



沉睡中的主角 怎會怕寂寞 童話中的主角 


無奈蘇甦的我 一百年淒楚


如現實中只可以 獨個妄想不休止 寧願繼續沉睡
甜夢裡永遠一對 不管它真真假假




曾經好鍾意呢首歌,曾經因為呢首歌發過某朋友脾氣,曾經覺得 Stephy 好 Cute,曾經。。。

Random Seed 忙碌中 Seed 到,Hum,唔同時間唔同地點,同樣人物。。

編曲:Johnny Yim

假使不能公開妒忌 學習大方接受

咁你可以點? 仲有咩選擇?

同行時要殿後 誰冷落舊朋友


節日約我三位一體的慶祝 沿途明亮燈飾閃映著沉重


言談越熾熱 內在更冰凍


誰當初無心將兩方綴合 然後留低 只得這寂寞人


仍是你們密友 呆望你們熱吻 應該傷感還是快感

痛同 Happy 一線之差遮。

能迴避嘛 我怕了當那電燈膽
黏著你們 來來回 委曲中受難


一個我被撇低 卻又很不慣
能承認嘛 我故意當那電燈膽
他日你們完場時 入替也不難


妄想一天你們會散 會選我嗎 *
