Archive for utp

Everything Is A Remix – THE MATRIX

I don’t normally post youtube links, but this one is just too good!

Must see if you like the Matrix! hahaha…

Sony RM-AV1000 on desk!

USB IR Toy is great, but a physical remote is just GREAT, I wonder how would I make it to work with my needs..

Google TV – The Logitech Revue in hand!

Actually, it is nothing “New” consider it was released quite a while back, but currently the price just got to a “Fair” range, lets see what I could do with it!!!

5 things you should do when you want some computer help.

1. Get needed information ready, please get what is needed ready, you do that when you go to bank, you do that when you want something done, you do that when you seek any help, you should learn this since primary schools; no one would stand/stay next to you/over the line while you take your 15 mins to find what is your domain, or what is your login.

2. Listen first, do not jump into it when someone is trying to help, example: I used to do it NOT the way you told me, I used to do it by XYZ, you are trying to get help, not arguing what you used to do, and no one cares how you did it at your own way, if it works, you wouldn’t be seeking for help.

3. Think before asking, please use your own brain, eyes before ask, chimpanzee learn from using their brain, you should too, when instructions were told, try follow, if you do not see the option on the screen, try read carefully, use CTRL+F on a page or do a simple thinking.

4. Response with correct information, answer honest, with basic intelligent, instead of simple “I don’t know/I don’t see that/what should I do”, computers don’t read your mind, neither does the person who is trying to help you, incorrect/lack of/misleading information given will not help anything.

5. Search before you ask, please search help before you ask, answer are out there, please use search engine, type what you ask for and read, most problem shall be solve before you even finish explaining your question.

Colouring the iPhone.

Thanks to jp! (photo by @DinCooCniD from

Very upset about things…

Recently, I am very upset about life, work, personal.

1. Phone was stolen by some a**hole, I have been clubbing with mates for more than 10+ years, I have never got my properties stolen, and especially not by someone on the same table, the whole pub was empty other than our table, that a**hole, friend of a friend said he would want to go first for another disco and few mins later I found that my phone missing, Google Latitude point my phone to where he was heading and STOPs where he was! me and mateB rush there on a cab, ask him to give me back my phone, then he started to change his face, swear to me all the way saying: “Do you have that tapped on a F**king video? you cannot prove is me! I am gonna smash you for that…” wasted almost an hour with policemen, long story short, well of coz, no luck…
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ls error on iPad2 4.3.3 jailbreaked devices

I am getting error on terminal when running ls command.

Error as below:
>ls: unrecognized prefix: hl
>ls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable

Problem is stated in Debian Bug report logs – #544871 – coreutils: ls complains about LS_COLORS: unrecognized prefix: hl, color define has been changed from hl to mh, which produced the error.

edit /etc/profile.d/
change line to: eval “$(dircolors -b | sed s/hl/mh/)”
then run: source /etc/profile.d/
ls then now works.

Not Google TV, but an Android TV..

A famous local HDTV set top / PVR box manufacturer has done it, a build in 42 inch LCD full HD TV with Android 2.2 build in!

Model number 8TV4233, featuring 42 inch 50000:1, 1080p, RGB, VGA, HDMI in X4, USB X 2, DVB-T decode, PVR and the most important, Android OS!!! (Too bad it is on 2.2, I wonder what solution it is gonna use, lets ROOT+OC+Whatsoever it, if source code were EVER released…)

As advertised, the main sale point of this device is the build in browser for Internet browsing with Flash support.
TVB, the leading local TV station, provide TV shows ondemand services by, which uses Flash + encrypted H264 to serve TV Shows, which iOS is missing, there should be a fair amount of users who would like this on a TV.

No word on price or release date yet, but I sure I am interested…

Eight Group – Spec PDF (8TV4233)
Eight Group – Product page 8TV4233

Backupmania…the urge of backups…..

I am currently being a bit of a urge over backups, thinks it is a good time to start doing more backups myself.

Currently, I had my own backup solutions by bits and bytes, example:
Mail – I setup my own mail server at base to do pulling ALL IMAP/POP account I had, off site backup on the mbox time by time.
Invoices – they are all in PDFs, update ones were synced by dropbox, older ones offsite archived.
MSN – message log are all exported to XML, offsite archived.
SMS – XML backup by Android App.
Calllog – XML backup by Android App.
Phone Calls – important ones are logged to .amr/.mp4, offsite archive time to time.
GoogleReader Stared – developed my own PERL script to back them up in HTML with a index file.
GoogleEarth – profile XML were synced across dropbox/SFTP, don’t want to miss this one, it contain most of the places/logs I being in the last few years.
Photos – don’t really backup at all, older photos are archived in older HDD when my routine upgrade (one/year), newer photos from S95 and mobile sync across dropbox.
Code, Personal – fun little code I dev for my own use were backup/sync var dropbox/SFTP
Code, Work – sync across 3 sets of computer, SFTP.

I would love to do more backups, example:
Twitter – my different twitter accounts, since I already did OAuth code on the other project, I think I can do my own backup code.
Google Chrome Bookmark – I really shouldn’t trust the cloud that much….
Google Contacts/Calendar – Hum…….did I even ever back that up??

I think I really really should spend some time on this….
but anyway, why the urge??? hum………

Good tips and tricks about Samsung Galaxy S II

Saw this post over at android forum, very good to read just in case you forgot or don’t know.

If you are yet another 3 million SGS2 owner/user in these 55 days, it sure is a worth to read.

Android Forum – Tips n Tricks thread.