Archive for Weblog

Ok, Administration side now!

Finally, time to do the admin side now! (should have done it for long….. it is far behind all those fancy function to the front-end now!)

Well, didn’t code well tonight, sort of finishing on the category administration, yet to develope a better UI for user to add/remove post to categories…

Anyway, developing focus are back to admin side now, lets see how it goes!

Yeap ATOM done!

Spend a little bit time on the ATOM Feed, it is not as easy as RSS I think….

Anyway as you can see on the right under “Syndication Others”, ATOM feed has been added.

Oh yes, very good Reference on ATOM here, must read if you are developing on ATOM!

Also added friend C’s blog, the CazzoBlogz to the Links, pay a visit, nice blog there man!

I know is time to do the Admin side, I know, I know……

RSS is fun!

Hum……. yep, I think RSS is getting there, it does really match it’s name:
Really Simple Syndication
Nice name!

I just love this idea, get the info at the smallest and fastest way.

Seems more RSS function and ATOM Feed are the next thing to be done on this Weblog.

More Code, more Code!

Well, as I have already made up my mind, why give ideas to someone else while I can develope my own?

As you can see, more function was added to the weblog, have a look on the Log Navigation Bar at the right side!
Read more

How does the new layout look?

What do you think about it???

Please do tell me, drop me a line!

Ar ha, bit of bug…….

Currently I have devoted most of my web devloping time to

As I am trying to make this weblog more and more easy to install on other servers and making it more user-friendly, I found quite a few bugs….

Luckily they are still easy to be fix…(but some of the other code not related to this weblog may also have the same bug….well, fix them when I see them…..)

Still have to work on unicode problem, need more time for testing….

Quote of the week:
Eva, AT Force Field, Attack……hum……..

More code done on Admin side…….but….

As the title, more code has been done for the admin side of the weblog.

But I think it is very strange, wonder how goggle ad works? it keeps of feeding me with RSS related ads…..

Anyway, time to sleepy sleepy, maybe more code tomorrow…..

A bit more changes…..

As google sitemap do not allow the word “id=” in the URL, so too bad, has to change the way how it goes on cgi…..

now it passes the post ID var “p=”

Well…… alright, the old URL “id=” still works, at least, for a certain time…

A little bit more code to the weblog..

Yep, fix a few bugs, adding a few more lines of code here and there.

Added the title back in full listing, it doesn’t make sense of just posting date right? lazy lazy theo finally did that.

RSS feed of this log should be done within tonight, altho I will have to wake up 8:00am tmorrow, well, coding is fun, sleeping is not.

I think I should have add the Profilio, I should have ages ago….. hum…… maybe not tonight….

And must have to look into the part of a few chars in Big5 not being display correctly, that is a time consuming one..

I am suprise too this log has stay over 1 year!

Adding the search function from AdSense for Search!

I am not trying to promote or anything, just feeling that this is a great idea provided by google.

Instead of using an URL, for example as the broswer index page, I have done my own little HTML with my most visited site, and a google search box in my HDD.
Due to my personal interest, in many case I only would like to search with different country, so this HTML has been code using JavaScript to support searching google in different country (google HK, google US, google JP etc.), this make my daily search way more easiler!

I will say, instead of goggle toolbar or simular software, I will always love to see a google search box in any page, makes searching way easiler!
