Archive for Computing

Update for TabletPC from Microsoft

Just saw this posted in a TabletPC forum.

KB895953 – Memory Leak in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

It cliams by Microsoft that this update fix the memory leak problem in tcserver.exe service on WinXP TabletPC version, as I use Hibernating most of the time and I do find the memory leak “eats up” lots of memory, thinks this is what we need!

If you owns a TabletPC too, update!
Remember, it is a Microsoft product!

Unstatble Internet connection….

To be honest, I am very happy with iCare Boardband service, very very good customer support, but the line provided by PCCW is shit…

like right now, the connection is so unstable, getting on and off all the time…

seem is time for me to think of something other than ADSL form Sub-PCCW….

quote of the week:
the truth is the truth, no difference how some lier says, truth remains.

ok, I hate Windoz!!!!!!

after X times of reinstalling windoz…….. I am so sick of it… everything was down for almost 2 months!!!! one by one!
first off windoz refuse to boot after plugging the cheapy TV card into different PCI slot. (don’t ask me why, even after I plug it back to the one it was windoz refuse to boot)
then it was HW problem, RAID card refuse to work.
then it was windoz problem, PPM refuse to work…..
due to “the Great piece of virus – windoz” all server needs to reinstall/config for work, mySQL, SSH2, FTP, HTTP, Perl, PHP, Palmsource SDK, CYGWIN, JDK, etc etc etc….(chunked 3000 words)

I was keep on having error on trying to use ppm to install any perl mod.
here is what the error look like:
ppm> search DBI
Searching in Active Repositories
Error: No valid repositories: Error: 500 Can’t connect to (Bad protocol ‘tcp’) Error: 500 Can’t connect to (Bad protocol ‘tcp’)

ok, just a reminder, EVER EVER EVER anyone need it, it is so simple!

do flush the TCP/IP of the windoz and it works!

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt


you save my day!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, a bit living bits and bytes:
sis S, thanks for your call! cheer up! and chk mail!
mate I, happy wedding day! all the best, I will be there tomorrow early!
mate Y, I will reply email you, I promise! plz don’t kick my butt! I know is a month late!
mate D, I am back on track for more coding on flash<->XML<->CGI<->mySQL, remind me of the good old days, didn’t see you for long! how is life?
dear R, is so happy to see you anyday anytime anywhere, you make my day “a lovly day”
brother L is back HK, hope to put sometime together, we didn’t see each other for so long!
brother M and cousine Y is back soon too, 2004 winter must be a good winter!

Quote of the day:
killbill, and everyone happy!