Acer S10 spotted in Bangkok.

I already have the S60, still looking for a S10 to complete the Acer Palm series, in a computer mall of Bangkok I find one!

As seen on the photo!

But I think the price has been over tag, 4000 Thai baht is almost USD100, I think it sounds too much for a BW OS4 device.

There was only a few store selling Palms…and prices aren’t very attractive too, maybe due to the 7% VAT on top.

Also spotted a Infrared wireless keyboard, but price are almost the same as the price I saw in Taiwan back in Feburary, about USD40 which I think not very attractive for collection only.

Of coz I didn’t want to go back bare hand, found a Palm V series hard case speical edition (Which is blue colour) at 200, about USD4..

Thanks SK from TPUG for the info on the computer centre.