PalmDOSBox on a Palm Tungsten C

It was first on Tams last week about the new x86 emulator on PalmOS finally become true..

Beta was found on sourceforge, so of coz, can’t wait to load it up on my speedy Palm Tungsten C.

As PalmDOSBox is still in very early beta stage, I didn’t expect much from it yet.

There is almost no setting on the Apps itself, a bit of trick is it does not support input yet on the TC, so a dosbox.conf is needed to be load on the SD card root to launch your selected commands.

Fire up a few very very old DOS games I have, not much luck, SimCity for DOS, Dragon Figther didn’t run…..with a Fatal Alert…

But luckily I got one of a very old games I used to play on a 486 running, it was a chinese RPG game call ZYCA, have a look on the screenshots!

Click to enlarge:

I only tried a few games, head over to Tams, they even get M$Word for DOS and other useful apps running!

More Links:
TamsPalm – A true x86 emulator for Palm – first facts and pics
By Alexander Gratz

PalmDOSBox on SourceForge – Download