Once again, with the Motion Computing m1300.

In about end of August 2006, I was tiped by mate TM about an offer going on for the new HP 4400 TabletPC at a very fair price, so I decided to sell my Motion Computing m1300 TabletPC for an upgrade.

But unluckily, I cannot sell the lovely m1300 at the price I was looking for, and the offer ends today…… so after almost 2 months of not using it (it was sent to secondhand shop for more chance of selling), it came back to my hand today.

Honest, my m1300 wasn’t that bad at all, 1GHz Centrino, 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, a slim and light form factor, etc etc..
I was looking for upgrades like Wireless connection, Fingerpin scanner, and higher speed of Duo Core CPU on the HP4400 compare to my m1300.

Chances come, chances goes, I still like my m1300!
So intead of paying the HK$3~4K price for the upgrade, I came up with other ideas on upgrading the m1300.

There is nothing I could do on the CPU, RAM, Bus upgrade (System Speed-wise), but I think I can do the rest.

Wireless upgrade, 802.11b to 802.11g+
The m1300 came with a mini-PCI Intel 802.11b Wireless LAN card, and I remember I have a LevelOne Wireless router with 802.11g+ support sitting there doing nothing. (see earlier post about Very upset about service from LevelOne (Everbest)…. .), so I open it up, get the mini-pci card out from the LevelOne WBR3404TX, and install it on the m1300.

The process went very smooth, as there is not much skill needed on un-screwing the panel, unpluging the Intel mini-PCI card, unpluging the antenna on it (2 of them), and put the new card on.

When XP boot up, it prompts for drivers, with only “Network Controller” displaying it is hard to tell what drivers to go….

Looking at the mini-PCI card, find that a TNETW1130GVF chip was used, so by googling a little bit, I was able to find that actually many Wireless Router do use this mini-PCI module for wireless connection, and I came up with a website call SafeCom Technology listing a PCI 802.11g + Wireless card name
Drivers were obtain on the same website at their

After installion of the drivers (EXE setups), Windows was able to ID the mini-PCI 802.11g card and it ran smoothly.

Adding Bluetooth
Instead of a cheapy USB dongle which only cost like HK$29, I didn’t like the way, the USB still sticks out quite a bit, it gives a very poor using experience.

Earlier I obtain a Bluetooth CF card call by
AmbiCom Inc. Wireless Bluetooth Compact Flash/PC Card (BT2000-CF) at a good price, so I stick it in, install the drivers (it uses Widcomm driver) and I have basic Bluetooth support.

Now I can pair up my Storeway Universal Bluetooth Keyboard, and my Treo650 by Bluetooth now.

Thinks sometimes great joy not only comes when “PAYING” for it, the process of “USING” and “APPLYING” them gives more fun than I can think of!