How-to – RSS Feed reading by QuickNews

Requested by some user, this is a how-to on using QuickNews from StandAlone Inc.

The file I am using now is quick_news_v1_2b11_1000r_203.prc from Beta Repository at

Why I am selecting this version is I found that this latest version of beta now supports Chinese RSS Feed (which I have yet to find one other PalmOS RSS Client supports Chinese RSS Feed)

The RSS I used to test is from RTHK, by a little google on RSS in Chinese I get

This is the link I choose to test,

After you first install and execute quicknews, you should get the following screen:

Select “All Feeds” on the top right hand

You should be able to see all default feeds, Click to “Add Feed” on the buttom of the screen.

Enter the name you want the Feed to be shown, and the URL of the Feed you want. (In our case,

Select “Done”

Click on the Feed “RTHK” we’ve just add, select “View”.

As the Feed has not been update, select “Update Feed Now”.

You should be able to see the Feed!

Many Weblog uses Unicode for their RSS Feed, which in this case, as there is no Unicode support on PalmOS yet, nope, Chinese RSS Feeds by Uincode is not supported yet. (English works tho)

TBC. (20051104014900)