added a few more lines of code into the log, so now listing works (it was not working as my mistake on the url from local to the site…) and I added the “palm” category on the left side (Log Navigation), check it out!
I will post more palm related documentation and infomation in this log.
is now 8:28 am, I am so tried, but I need to go to the travel agent to get the airticket for the trip to HK in 2 hrs, I better not get to sleep, here I come, Coffee Latte….
I may gonna add a few log in “views” cateogry soon, as I have a few old log on my palm which I would like to add to the site..
the line of the day:
life is like a bag of pins and chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get, but most likely you are gonna get pin when you put your hand in anyway. (not from forest gump, it is really not from forest gump)