Archive for utp

Getting Mobile Terminal to work on the new iPad.

Mobile Terminal is the must have tools for a iPad power user, but the Mobile Terminal binary in default Cydia store does not work in the new iPad (well it does not work under 5.1.1)

After a bit of googleing, offer some help.

Quick answer:
Add Cydia source:, enjoy their great build of Mobile Terminal.

(Hum, it would be great if I can set fonts with it since it is such a waste on the new iPad’s 2048×1536 resolution, shouldn’t ask too much as I am only enjoying others build, thanks, I know I should have compile / dev my own….)

How To: Install MobileTerminal On iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Running iOS 5.1.1

Jailbreak in progress…Open source here I come!

lighttpd + php + sqlite3 + shell exec on the new iPad is just GREAT, only if I have more time….I would……………..

Lytro Camera on desk!

I really would love to have one, hum………(nope, this nice gadget is not mine)…

Just in case you don’t know what is this cool stuff, head Lytro Camera for more.

Finally started to use jQuery…

Lazy me…..I should have dev my own…

But since I would like my code more “follow-able” for others, well seems not much choices, I know my own code are not read-able at all….

Eneloop special editions.

110 Year Disney Limited Edition

Eneloop tone

Oh man, I just wanted to buy them!!!!!!!!!

Panasonic Eneloop product page

Canon P-150

New toy in the house!

I would like to starts scanning my books!!

Asus Transformer Prime on hand.


Thanks to ac, he is the man!!!

Dinner 20120216

Carrots, honey bean with Potatoes in black pepper…


It has been such a long day…

Due to the little disturbance of earth quake last night, I really didn’t sleep well and can even turn my head now….

Rushed the whole day for a deadline, body really don’t like it…

I would really love to use some rest tonight…

I haven’t been making any post on my blog….

Well, as the title, this post does indicates that:

1. I am still alive.
2. Nope the blog has not been abandoned.
3. I am working my a** off to stay alive.
4. I promise I will do more updates, I promise..