MOTO Milestone was officially announced on 21 Dec 2009 in Hong Kong, since then the stock was low as it was a hot piece of potato for xmas….
On 21 of Dec, I went to a few electronics chain store and ask for it, and seems no one has any stock left, and even no shop offer preorder with a firm collecton date.
In the next few days, whenever I walk thru a store, I get in and ask…and seems answer was almost the same, some shops even sells at higher than suggest retail price (SRP), the below was a summary of the search:
Broadway 百老匯:
First shop I went to ask, on 21 Dec only a few store has dummy displayed, listed at $4680 which is the SRP, staff was ok to tell me that it was out of stock (they only has a few unit that day anyway) and there is no expected shipping day on pre-order, one staff was nice enough to advise me to give it a wait which price should reduced in some time, thanks for your advise, but since it is gadget buying, if I can wait I don’t need it anymore right?
P.S: (I was reported by mates that some Broadway store listed the price to $4980 instead of the SRP, well…..)
Fortress 豐澤:
I went to Fortress for quite a few times during the search, different locations different store (5~6 of them), Listed $4680, and never seen 1 store in stock, salesman are rude, impolite and ignorance, very unhappy experience, will blacklist forever on buying mobile products from this company.
I do normally liked the services from Fortress on their home electronics, staff were nice and helpful, but I have no idea why their staff in mobile product were so bad, they really should look into it on the issue, if mobile products are not their interest, close it down, those staff really hurt the image and reputation of the company!
GOME 國美:
Listed $4980, sales was nice and polite, but sorry, price was $300 over SRP, I do not like it, I can wait…
No stock, and staff was very impolite, I wonder how hard is to serve customer at least with basic human manners? didn’t their mom taught them?
P.S: (After a few google search I found that was their “special” feature, they act like that no matter what you ask and whatever, why don’t they just shut the store down if they are so unhappy serving customers?)
Citicall 鐳射:
No stock, staff was normal, “sorry we do not have it” then turn and went away, well ok, I understand I am not those rich tourist from CN, anyway they do not have stock, is an even.
No stock, staff was ok and nice.
Wilson 衛訊:
Really cannot remember on this one, but I am sure I did went in, and can’t remember was it no stock or have to wait 7 days preorder or something, skip.
Citylink 領域:
It was 27 Dec late afternoon, it was rainy and I went in, saw displayed dummy unit then I ask, staff was nice to tell me that it is out of stock right now, but if I can wait 1~2 hours they will restock, then I start to ask about their 24 months installment policy and so on, staff was nice enough to offer me tissue to dry out my cloths and glasses while explianing to me the policy,
Honest, I was sold to this service instead of other things, price was above SRP at $48xx, but the warm caring to customer did touched me.. (of coz, 24 months installment)
After appox. 80mins, I was with the Milestone on hand…
I understand mobile selling biz is a hard biz, it changes too fast, margin were small, need to met sales target, rent are high (chomped 1000 reasons), but I learn one thing in my search:
How hard is it to serve customers just a little bit better?
Instead of a plain quick heartless answer of: NO! then turned away (it did happened in a few store, especially Fortress 豐澤, when I ask about preorder timeframe and the staff even gave me a Fxxk face and answer me: Don’t know! which they were too busy group chitchat-ing! Oh sorry it was my fault to pause that funny chat you guys were having…)
How hard was it to say: Oh sorry, this item is out of stock and offer some other help or even suggestion? (Broadway, 中原電器 did that)
Or even a warm caring to your customers like Citylink 領域 did? how much did that cost? a million?
Anyway, ++ Thumbs up to Citylink, I do enjoy your serve, yes I really do!
Archive for utp
MOTO Milestone – My search and found on the milestone.
MOTO Milestone on hand!
Last Toy of 2009, the MOTO Milestone!
I should do more post on my weblog, I really should.
Very good read for developing and hacking with GreaseMonkey
As a web programmer, I love to hack web pages that does not fit my needs, example:
Google Reader on a UMPC:
The UI of GoogleReader was way too complex to be displayed on a 7inch UMPC.
Many forums/discussion groups:
Many of these forums developed code to prevent extra bandwidth loading on IMGs, so javascript was used to do so, example, users have to click on the IMG to load it.
Many download sites:
I hate it on how some site developed stupid code for user to download a file, example, count down on time counter, funny/stupid javascript calls to hide/dynamic gen URL, all I want is a direct link to the file….
Here comes the cure, GreaseMonkey Addon, which allows developer to change how pages are render, or even add functions and automation.
If you are interested in learning it, this site is a great start.
– Dive Into GreaseMonkey
Update Oct 2009
– Needed to move, already rent another apartment, moving soon.
– I was over flooded with projects and customers at work…
– Moving house is a h*ll of a job.
– I get better on darts.
– $$$ spending > $$$ earning.
– Cannot get full working power at work, which I should.
– Think of a lot of old mates, I am sure you guys are going well!
I am still alive, not dead.
Its about time…..
Hi everyone, yes I am still alive….
無奈蘇甦的我 一百年淒楚
甜夢裡永遠一對 不管它真真假假
編曲 / 監製:Johnny Yim
夢內傾心一吻就算心動 現實可惜不配與你相擁
沉溺 於一刻的接觸 哪管即將結束 已經滿足
夜半再相見 迷霧裡繾綣 長夜夢中有過動魄迷人片段
沒法再相見 一醒了完全逆轉 就似夢裡面熾熱愛海變冰川
沉睡中的主角 怎會怕寂寞 童話中的主角 一百年躺臥
埋在心底的愛慕 能否跟你透露 期待你 只是虛無
夢內相擁一剎就算感動 現實可惜經已結霜冰封
誰奢想一生都抱緊 至少一刻快感 亦當緣份
夜半再相見 迷霧裡繾綣 長夜夢中有過動魄迷人片段
沒法再相見 一醒了完全逆轉 就似夢裡面熾熱愛海變冰川
沉睡中的主角 怎會怕寂寞 童話中的主角 一百年躺臥
埋在心底的愛慕 如果跟你透露 期實也 只是虛無
如現實中只可以 獨個妄想不休止 寧願繼續沉睡
甜夢裡永遠一對 不管它真真假假
夢中的主角 怎會怕寂寞 童話中的主角 一百年躺臥
埋在心底的愛慕 能否跟你透露 期待你同樣傾慕
沉睡中的主角 怎會怕寂寞 無奈蘇甦的我 一百年淒楚
誰願一生只有恨 能否給我安枕 誰令我一直空等
Suddenly think of you.
Happy birthday for someone I haven’t seen for 10 years…..
Twitter – Weblog
Since my developing on the other side (Project Movian) and the life with Twiter, I find that I almost did 0 post to my weblog (did more then 1k twit there)….
Thinks I should do myself a Twitter<>Weblog bot…
曾經好鍾意呢首歌,曾經因為呢首歌發過某朋友脾氣,曾經覺得 Stephy 好 Cute,曾經。。。
Random Seed 忙碌中 Seed 到,Hum,唔同時間唔同地點,同樣人物。。
編曲:Johnny Yim
咁你可以點? 仲有咩選擇?
痛同 Happy 一線之差遮。
黏著你們 來來回 委曲中受難
能承認嘛 我故意當那電燈膽
他日你們完場時 入替也不難
妄想一天你們會散 會選我嗎 *