Raining, Raining and Rainning…….

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red….

Went to Computer Expo 2005 yesterday, was thinking I might be able buy some toy to cheer…. it was SHIT!
Products are same as usual, Price and Promotion Girl are not attractive, well…… that was how the afternoon was spend, I rather like to do more code…

Spend the night fooling around RSS on Palm, QuickNews, a great software from StandAlone, and I was porting some of my news channel to RSS Feed so that I could get them on the road, so if you are interested, email me!

I think it maybe a nice idea to get this weblog to provide RSS Feed, I think is just a few more lines right? hehe!

But who is gonna read them? me?

Oh hi sis S, I know you read it! thanks for calling last week, altho the phone was off, you know those useless Long distance call, well, but it was a nice chat! work hard!

Quote of the week:
Thou should only care someone that is important to you, not the rest.