Tried, Tried + Tried

Not in condition….

Badly infection strike again….. feeling tried…..

Hope my throat gets better before Thursday…. I need that for work…

sis S calls on Sunday, hi there S! thanks for your call, know you had visit the site, is so happy for your visiting!

R’s sis E is going back to NZ, all the best, work hard, looking forward to see you soon!

Treo650 is getting better and better, if more powerful networks apps can be develope for it, it would be even better!

Just a few funny things I did with my Treo650:

– Instead of using GPRS for Internet connection, which is a little bit slow and expensive in HK, what I did was using Bluetooth to connect to my Boardband Internet var PC while I am at home, which means FREE Internet access with my Treo650! (of coz, deduct the cost of the BoradBand) haha, I just love reading newspaper channels and RSS feed updateing on my bed.
– Saw a software call “HeadCold” which add more control to the ringtone/audio to the headset and speaker on Treo650, instead of downloading it on PC and installation var hotsync, what I did was using Bluetooth to connect GPRS with a friends SE K600i, and using blazer for the download and installation of the software! PC free!!

I know it may sounds silly to do them the other way round, but sometimes it is just fun to know “the other way round”!

I think fun for Gadgets are not what you had brought, but what you can do with it! at the minimum cost!
A PalmV can be as fun as a LifeDrive, sometimes……