PalmOne WebPro

WebPro – The Offical Web Browser from PalmOne.

When I was searching for a better web Browser solution for my Treo650, it popup to my mind on PalmOne’s Netfront engined WebPro, which I was using on my TC.

What I found out is PalmOne seems not shipping nor selling this solution on Treo650, which the WebPro 3.5 was only bundled with the Zire72.

so it come up to my mind that some time ago I did some studies on WebPro, so I am now posting these results of my studies, maybe someone find it helpfuly, at least better than sitting in my HDD for nothing.

WebPro was first released at 1.0 bundled Tungsten T, T2 with which I think it works on OS4+, version 3.0 with a few different build that was bundled with Tungsten T3, then the 3.5, which was bundled with the Zire72.

Palm Web Browser Pro
Palm Web Browser Pro 2.0
WebPro 3.0 from PalmOne
WebPro 3.5 from PalmOne

on WebPro 1.0, which was base on PalmOne’s own engine, webpro wasn’t a very powerfuly Browser, which provide HTML, WML, cHTML, xHTML, SSL, JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) support.

then 2.0 was bundled with Tungsten C.

soon enough, with Sony bundling the Netfront Web Browser from Access with their CLIE, PalmOne starts to understand the need of Web Broswing is increasing, then they start to work with Access, introducing the WebPro 3.0, which was base on the NetFront developed Browser engine.

there was a few build on the 3.0 release, maybe due to different distubuting channel, like bundle, retail, upgrades (which cost $USD 34.9)

this is a very important steps on WebPro, as the NetFront engine was way better developed than the PalmOne engine, many new standard are supported, for example: HTML 4.01, xHTML 1.0, cHTML, WML with default proxy, SSL 3.0, HTTP 1.1, JavaScript 1.5, CSS 1.0, GIF, animated GIF, JPEG, PNG, and Cookies.

after that, the WebPro version 3.5, which was bundled with the Zire72.



